A few days ago I posted some links to so

A few days ago I posted some links to some Articles I had written a wile ago. One of the articles covered PCT ( post cycle therapy) . It was mostly just my general thoughts on the subject at the time. However After posting it I got hundreds of inquiries. Here is a in depth up to date Article I wrote on the subject. http://ow.ly/kJsy5

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With the ever growing advancements that


  With the ever growing advancements that have been made in the sport of bodybuilding and weightlifting have also came the advancement in supplements and Let’s face it Transdermals have been leading the pack. Arguable the strongest and most effective OTC hormones and supplements made in the last 5 years have all been transdermals. Dermacrine was one of the first I had the pleasure of bringing to the public masses and helping people learn more about. Now Transdermal carriers have only gotten better and so has what we have been putting in them. Take for example how a product like Dermacrine has now evolved into Rs-transaderm a product I was more than happy to design and bring to market years later.

  It’s an exciting time right now around the Needtobuildmuscle.net forum and I always enjoy seeing the interest of the public peaked when something new comes around or an old subject is brought back to life. I have to be honest though; this is a subject that I hold dear to my heart. After all Transdermal delivery is not just a subject I have devoted the better half of my life too. Transdermal delivery of hormones, anabolics, and supplements is what started my life in this industry. It’s a huge part of what changed who I was into who I now am. The subject planted a seed in my heart when I saw firsthand how effective transdermal delivery was. It was the very effectiveness of transdermal supplements that inspired me to research more on the subject, which further lead me to reach out and help others with the knowledge I had learned for myself. I enjoyed helping others and I very much enjoyed watching others benefit from my help and advice. I have learned a great deal more and have advanced my knowledge in more ways than I could have ever imagined since my humble beginning. However Throughout the years I have always kept my love for transdermal supplements close and now is not just an exciting time for the members of Needtobuildmuscle.net but for me as well. A time of remembrance and reflections of my start down this awesome road with the people I have loved so passionately. It’s an honor to help all of you learn more about transdermals again my friends, it truly is.

Transdermal supplements in my mind are by far the most effective supplements ever to hit the bodybuilding world. There are literally hundreds of different transdermal products on the market today and it seems every company has at least tried to get in on the Transdermal supplements bandwagon at some point. However like every other category of supplements in this industry few have delivered the goods (no pun intended lol). This is why I was happy to be a huge part of brining Rs-transaderm and forma-stanzol to the market. These two products have the best delivery system I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing and they’re both overachievers when it comes to results. In Fact, I would say it has been the success of these two products across all the forums that have helped pave the way for the renewed interest in transdermal steroids. The very effectiveness of Rs-transaderm and forma-stanzol has more than proven to the masses that transdermal delivery work.

By now I am sure you have all read something about Transdermal steroid delivery. I am not going to bore everyone with a long detailed explanation of what transdermal means simple in hopes to get some more google ranks out of it. No I rather get right down to Showing all of you guys how to use Transdermal steroids and answering the many questions I have seen people asking around the forums.    First off lets go over some of the myths about transdermal steroid cycles.

Q: Can you the avg person make use of topical steroids

A: Absolutely! Testosterone is testosterone, plain and simple guys.  Many of you have been under the impression that we are still working with the same old transdermal test creams your doctor would prescribe you if you had low test. Testem, androgel and whatever other crap Doctors have been prescribing for the past decade is nothing at all like the transdermal steroids we now have available on the underground market today. The transdermal steroids we have access to have much higher doses per serving and the delivery systems are far more advanced.

Q: How available are topical steroids?

A: Take a look around its pretty easy to figure out these bad boys are popping up all over the place now. I only suspect even more will be coming around. Once people see a market for something has been made it is only a matter of time before 25 companies pop up to compete with each other. Competition is never a bad thing for the us though is it?

Q: Are topical steroids right for you?

A: Topical steroids are right for anyone looking to use steroids. If you are scared of needles topical steroids are even more of a god sent to you. I don’t see Transdermal steroids being wrong for anyone IMO.

Q: Will transdermal delivery reduce bloat or other side effects

A: I have seen others give a flat out no answer to this question and I would have to disagree. Yes transdermal delivery of steroids will reduce the side effects of steroids. The longer the ester the longer one has to cycle the steroid in order to get the intended peak levels and results of the steroid. A shorter cycle always equals less side effects and faster recovery time. With transdermal steroids we can get the same results and get the much faster. Yes your liver is also going to take less of a pounding from a transdermal steroid then that of an oral steroid.  We will cover more on steroid side effects in the transdermal steroid cycles section of this article.

Q: How often should I take a transdermal steroid? How many times a day should I apply them, How many times a week should I apply them, should I take weekends off or days off?

A: With any transdermal steroid twice a day dosing is always the best option. Transdermals like orals have a quick half-life and although we do not have to dose them 3 times a day like most orals, A once am once pm dosing should be used with most if not all Transdermal steroids. You should also take them every single day of the week and not take any days off.

Q: I have seen people talking about spot injecting steroids for localized muscle growth. Will this work with transdermal steroids?

A: NO, It does not work for injectable steroids and it will not work for transdermals ether. Besides transdermal delivery is systematic anyway.

Q: How long can I use Transdermal steroids for?

A: You can use transdermals for as long as you would use any injectable form of steroids with some exceptions of course.

Q: Can I incorporate the use of cycle enhancers like fat burners, Clen, T3, peptides and more with my transdermal steroid cycles?

A: Yes of course you can. Anything you would use during an injected steroid cycle you can use during a transdermal steroid cycle. About the only thing that may affect this is your choice in the length of cycle you will be running. As long as you can fit it within the cycle you have planned you can use it. Things like making sure you have time to ramp down off clen and or T3 before the cycle is over should be taken into consideration among other things. Again we will cover more on this topic in the Transdermal steroid cycles guide section of the Article.

Q: Does the fact that it’s transdermal and not oral steroids allow for longer cycles. For example If I am running transdermal Superdrol as opposed to oral superdrol.

A: When it comes to harsh steroids like Superdrol , winstrol, and others like them you may be able to get away with pushing it an extra few weeks but this is as far as I would push it. Although you are avoiding some side effects on the liver these are still powerful androgenic compounds.

Q: Can I use a transdermal steroid to kick start a longer injected steroid cycle and if so what do You think are the best options for this?

A: Yes you can use transdermal steroids as kick starters. They are just like oral steroids in this sense only much faster. Some of the best options would be Superdrol, Anavar, Dbal, Anadrol, and Halostentin .

Q: When, where and how should transdermals be applied?

Transdermals should be applied as close to twelve hours apart as possible and twice a day if possible too. An ideal time to apply is afterGetting out of the shower. shaving the area of application is a big help if you are a hairy dude. Ideal areas of application are those with thin skin, such as wrists, top of feet, upper arms, chest, back, or legs. You may want to wear ruber gloves when you apply transdermal steroids or at least always wash your hands really well after applying them.

Q: If I am using more than one transdermal steroid can I apply them to the same area?

A: Yes I do this all the time.

Winstrol regardless of the delivery method is still very harsh on lipid profiles. No matter if its is injected, taken orally, or used transdermally it is still going to have these side effects. It will still effect the liver although not as much transdermally, and it is still going to negatively affect cholesterol. In fact even when used transdermally Winstrol is still the worst steroid of all on cholesterol levels. You should always use N2guard when using this steroid no matter the delivery method. You should also never use longer than 6 weeks IMO.

1.       Trenabolen is still very harsh on the adrenal system and is still going to negatively affect your thyroid as well. The same rules within most cycles should also apply when running a transdermal steroid cycle. For example: Its not the best Idea in the world to run tren without test. It may also be a good Idea to run your transdermal test a week past your transdermal tren although this remains to be proven in the field with user feedback.

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